Klasmann-Deilmann certified as an excellent training-providing company
We provide young people with sound vocational training. Supporting young employees on officially recognised vocational training schemes, or a combined vocational training und degree programme, has been among our firm’s very successful Human Resources measures for many years. Now Klasmann-Deilmann has been certified as an excellent training-providing company by the Osnabrück-Emsland-Grafschaft Bentheim Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK).
IHK Director Marco Graf had made a special trip to hand over the certificate to Klasmann-Deilmann’s responsible Managing Director Moritz Böcking. During the press event arranged for this occasion, Böcking said: “We’re very proud of this accolade. It honours the many employees who, continuously and with great dedication, look after our vocational trainees.” Marco Graf pointed out that the company was not “just given” this certification but that it had to undergo a two-set procedure beforehand. In addition to the formal statutory requirements, it involves, for example, the IHK conducting an in-depth consultation and an independent external body performing an additional review. One of the aspects assessed is how low the drop-out rate is. In this respect, Graf called Klasmann-Deilmann a “model company”. “In view of the decline in the number of pupils, this certification is a great asset when competing to recruiting the best young talent. It shows the young people that, with your firm, they will receive excellent vocational training which is the foundation of a successful future career,” stressed Graf.
Benedikt Kossen, Head of our Human Resources department, was also delighted about this success. “Both now and in the future, this accolade will help us to consistently find vocational trainees who are a good fit with our company.” In this connection, the initiative of our student Lars Wortelboer was commended, who suggested that Klasmann-Deilmann seek certification. Marco Graf said that this was probably the first time such a proposal had been made by one of the trainees themselves.
Asked by the press about the main factors in Klasmann-Deilmann’s success, Moritz Böcking remarked that its international focus plays a big part in making our company attractive. “Quite rightly, young people conclude that a wide range of opportunities for development – and long-term career prospects – are available to them, and that we are a dependable employer which will still be a successful player even in 30 or 40 years’ time.” Benedikt Kossen added that young people, when considering companies that provide training, are increasingly asking about their sustainability. “We have positioned ourselves well in this regard, with our commitment to transparency in communicating all of our activities.” Moritz Böcking made a further comment: “Applicants want to be involved in the very purpose of a company, regardless of whether they are seeking a training place, a study place or a permanent job. And that’s precisely what they find at Klasmann-Deilmann: everyone knows what we want and where we want to go, and everybody also knows that their own contribution is incredibly important in achieving this.”
Benedikt Kossen, Tanja Arens, Moritz Böcking, Marco Graf, Lars Wortelboer. (v. l.)
Overall in Germany, Klasmann-Deilmann employs an average of 25 young women and men who undergo vocational training to become Industrial Business Administrators, IT Specialists, Business Administrators for Marketing Communications, Construction Equipment Operators, Electronics Engineers specialising in operating technology, or Industrial Mechanics. Certification as an excellent training-providing company is valid for the next four years, after which it can be renewed.
At the end of the press event, one of the journalists was visibly impressed, saying: “That sounds really good.” To which Moritz Böcking could reply, “It is!”