
Larissa Gilke

Highly diverse options to attract good human resources

In the competition to win qualified and top-performing employees, Klasmann-Deilmann banks on a recruitment mix in which the promotion of young talent plays a central role. The encouragement of a good work-life balance and family-friendly working conditions are other factors that make Klasmann-Deilmann an attractive employer. The company makes use of diverse channels to appeal to potential new recruits.

The substrate manufacturer from the Emsland region is particularly committed to the promotion of young employees. To facilitate the recruitment of academic employees, it has had good contacts with universities and colleges for years. In addition to the option of internships, the company also offers students the chance to spend a semester working at the company to prepare their Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis. Places are available in the fields of horticulture, forestry, renewable energy, mechanical engineering, business management or IT. Klasmann-Deilmann also hosts a variety of events for students, such as a workshop where students from Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences had the chance to meet specialists from the company or, more recently, an excursion for logistics students from Lingen.

Lingen will also be the venue for one of the regional job fairs at the beginning of June where the substrate manufacturer will present career opportunities to potential recruits. The Human Resources team also visits trade fairs dealing with the different specialist areas, such as the Horticultural Fair in Osnabrück-Haste.

For many of our employees, vocational training at Klasmann-Deilmann is the first step of their career. Many trainees are offered a permanent contract once they have qualified and can then go on to obtain further qualifications with the support of the company.

Job vacancies, traineeships and internship opportunities are posted on our Careers Page. Our vacancies are also published in the relevant trade journals and the usual online job portals. These vacancies not only inform candidates about the professional requirements, but also present Klasmann-Deilmann as a company which encourages a good work-life balance and sets great store by family friendliness. Recent additions to our recruitment activities are the business portals XING and LinkedIn, so that there are now numerous channels through which Klasmann-Deilmann can be contacted by would-be employees.