
Dirk Röse

Nygaia obtains OK Compost certificate

Nygaia has received the “OK Compost Industrial” certificate from TÜV Austria. This means that our innovative substrate fiber has proven its full degradability in industrial composting plants.

Nygaia has great potential to become the sustainable substrate fiber of the future. This high-tech product from Klasmann-Deilmann and Maan Biobased Products consists of biobased and biodegradable polymers. Biodegradability was at the forefront of the fiber’s development. It ensures that no residues remain after a product’s life cycle that have a negative impact on compost quality or are even visually recognizable as waste. And this proof has now been successfully provided.

“Nygaia passed the tests with flying colors,” says Annerieke van Ditzhuijzen-Wouda, R&D engineer at Maan Biobased Products. Five different tests were conducted to prove whether a product contained heavy metals or toxic residues and how quickly it decomposed and degraded. Conclusion: Nygaia leaves nothing behind except water and CO2 and therefore does not form microplastics. It is fully industrially compostable and has no negative impact on compost quality. “That’s exactly what we were aiming for,” says Annerieke.

“OK Compost Industrial” certification indicates that a product or material is compostable under controlled and stable conditions in industrial composting facilities.

Just recently, Nygaia substrate fiber also received the “OK Biobased” certificate. This officially confirms that Nygaia consists of 58% organic materials, namely polymers derived from materials such as sugar cane or corn. It follows that the fiber has a naturally low carbon footprint. The developers are not satisfied with this yet. “Our goal is a Nygaia formula based entirely on bio-based materials,” explains Annerieke.

For the growing media sector, Nygaia is a true innovation. The high-tech substrate fiber is ideal for growing young plants in a controlled environment, such as hydroponics or vertical cultivation. Nygaia is inert, salt- and nutrient-free and has excellent water-holding capacity. These are optimal conditions for root growth.

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