Dirk Röse

Klasmann-Deilmann awarded title of “Global Market Leader 2018”

Results of the University of St. Gallen and the Academy of German World Market Leaders

What are the characteristics of a global market leader? What criteria do companies have to meet and who can use this title? The world market leader index by the University of St. Gallen and the Academy of German World Market Leaders lists Klasmann-Deilmann as “Global Market Leader Champion 2018”.

Every year the Henri B. Meier Executive School of Management Technology and Law at the University of St. Gallen looks at which companies belong to the world market leaders. These companies are listed in the world market leader index developed in cooperation with the ADWM (Academy of German World Market Leaders). The list also includes Klasmann-Deilmann.

These are the criteria we had to fulfil in order to be awarded the title of “Global Market Leader Champions” in the D-A-CH region:

  • Management and headquarters located 50% in the D-A-CH region.
  • Companies must have their own production facilities and/or sales companies on at least three of the six continents.
  • Annual sales of at least EUR 50 million.
  • Sales are generated at least 50% abroad.
  • These companies have the largest or second largest market share in the relevant market segment.

This year, 461 companies in Germany were awarded the title of “Global Market Leader” on the basis of these criteria. By contrast, according to the WirtschaftsWoche magazine two thirds of the alleged world market leaders failed to comply with the stipulations. By being listed on the world market leader index, Klasmann-Deilmann now finds itself in the company of other renowned firms such as BASF, Daimler or Siemens as well as Meyer-Werft and Röchling from our own region.

“We are naturally very pleased to be awarded this title”, says Norbert Siebels, Managing Director of Klasmann-Deilmann. “It is both a reward and further motivation for a medium-sized company to be listed in the world market leader index of a renowned university.” Managing Director Moritz Böcking adds: “The award is an additional recognition particularly for our employees, as their daily commitment to our customers has been acknowledged by an independent institution.”