
Larissa Gilke

Celebration of long-service employees at Klasmann-Deilmann

Employees honoured for 40 and 25 years’ service for the company

Klasmann-Deilmann hosted a celebration to honour 13 employees for their long service on behalf of the company.

Addressing the employees, Managing Director Moritz Böcking expressed his appreciation: “Each and every one of you has helped in your own way to make our company the world market leader. Klasmann-Deilmann is extremely grateful and we are delighted to celebrate your successful careers here today.” HR Manager Benedikt Kossen thanked the employees for their longstanding commitment and their loyalty to the company, referring to the bonds of trust that had developed over the years, so that both sides knew they could depend on one another.


Klasmann-Deilmann’s long-serving employees (l to r): Bernhard Meyer, Helmut Bloem, Andrea Wolters, Josef Franzke, Thomas Hanneken, Thorsten Bahns, Adele Book, Josef Rehme, Dieter Kunk, Thorsten Marx, Marion Bröckerhoff, HR Manager Benedikt Kossen, Norbert Rolfes, Chairman of the Central Works Council Wolfgang Otto, Michael Perschl, Managing Director Moritz Böcking.