ProLine Substrates – a keen sense for organic plant production

As the market leader for premium substrates in organic horticulture, Klasmann-Deilmann has been a strong partner to ecologically oriented growers for more than 30 years. Working in close cooperation with our customers and organic growers’ associations, we play an active role in shaping this segment.

ProLine is a holistic concept in which we have pooled our entire know-how about organic cultivation under one brand. Our customers receive tried and tested growing media based on the latest research results. ProLine offers answers to the challenges of the future. We are continuously improving our products, thus consolidating our quality advantage.


ProLine Substrates for blocking


  • Characteristics: good block stability and high water buffer
  • Use for: young vegetable plants


  • Characteristics: for strong press pots with improved rewetting capacity
  • Use for: young vegetable plants

ProLine Substrates for propagation in trays


  • Characteristics: universal sowing mix for a wide range of tray sizes
  • Use for: young vegetable and ornamental plants


  • Characteristics: extra high share of alternative constituents. High air capacity and quick water uptake for sensitive crops
  • Use for: young ornamental plants

ProLine Substrates for pot herbs


  • Characteristics: universal pot herb mix with balanced composition
  • Use for: pot herbs, also tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers in small pots


  • Characteristics: substrate with large share of alternative constituents for high air capacity and quick water uptake
  • Use for: pot herbs


  • Characteristics: reliable pot herb mix made with 100% alternative constituents
  • Use for: pot herbs

ProLine Substrates for potting


  • Characteristics: potting substrate with increased water retention for smaller pots
  • Use for: pot herbs, young vegetable plants in pots, bedding plants


  • Characteristics: universal potting mix with with balanced composition and high structural stability
  • Use for: ornamental plants, perennials, shrubs, pot plants

ProLine Substrates for container


  • Characteristics: open, free draining potting mix for container grown crops
  • Use for: shrubs and trees, conifers, soft fruit


  • Characteristics: acidic mix specialised for erciaceous crops
  • Use for: blueberries, ericaceous crops


Unique characteristics

ProLine substrates have a high proportion of renewable raw materials, such as quality-assured green compost and RHP-approved wood fibres. The proven standard here is currently 20-30% by volume of alternative constituents in propagation substrates and 50% by volume in potting substrates; these proportions follow the specifications of the various organic associations. All our peat raw materials are RPP-certified and thus come entirely from responsible, resource-conserving land management. ProLine substrates are produced without mineral fertilisers or additives. Instead, we use organic fertilisers and naturally occurring rock phosphates or potash magnesia salt. This means that vegetarian and vegan ProLine substrates are also available. Due to the raw material mix, ProLine substrates have significantly higher biological activity and CO2 emissions are reduced by up to 40%.


Certified organic quality

The basis for the selection of all ingredients are the European Organic Regulations (EU) no. 2018/848 and 2021/1165. Declarations of non-use of genetic engineering are available for all raw materials.



Unique quality – double certification

ProLine substrates are without exception controlled and approved for organic cultivation by ECOCERT F-32600. They also comply with RPP standards for responsibly produced peat.


Relevant criteria for the production of ProLine Substrates

  • No production of conventional substrates containing pesticides on mixing lines where substrates for organic horticulture are manufactured
  • No use of chemical disinfectants or wood preservatives in our storage boxes crates/facilities
  • No use of herbicides on peat extraction sites or factory premises
  • Higher changeover quantities and more cleaning batches are processed before ProLine Substrates than between conventional substrates
  • All raw materials and fertilisers used for ProLine Substrates are certified organic, GMO-free and tested for pesticide residues
  • Clear separation and labelling of conventional and organic raw materials, constituents and additives
  • Disclosure of all recipes, specifications and customer lists to the EU organic certification organisation Ecocert®
  • Annual audits of composting plants, green residue collection sites and substrate production by Ecocert®
  • Contain only listed permitted constituents for organic growing in Germany

Pioneering leader

Since the 1990s, Klasmann-Deilmann has been considered a pioneer in the development of organic substrates, which were completely new at that time. In-house composting facilities, the early use of wood fibres and innovative fertiliser concepts gave us a clear lead over our competitors in this segment. 
The fact that we now have a market share of over 70% is the result of our close consultation with organic growers and the sincerity of our commitment. Moreover, we regard substrates for organic horticulture as the benchmark for all developments that can subsequently also be used in the conventional sector.


70% market share

ProLine – ideal alternative constituents


ProLine solutions prevent sciarid infestation

Sciarids (fungus gnats) are a major pest problem in organic greenhouse cultivation because substrates with organic components are a particularly favored habitat for fungus gnat larvae and may even be a direct food source. This can lead to high costs for biological control. Especially for organic pot herbs there is a risk that plants infested with gnats may be rejected by food retailers.

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