Career | Sustainability


Campus Convention in Lingen

At the end of January, the 5th Campus Convention took place at the University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück on the campus in Lingen. Klasmann-Deilmann presented the peat moss project to students and representatives from business and local authorities.

The Campus Convention brings science and business together. With the help of posters and short lectures, university members, representatives of the economy and municipality, and the interested public can inform themselves about innovative practical projects and research results.

Dorothea Rammes (Production & Sustainability) and Ilka Krane (HR) stood up for Klasmann-Deilmann and presented a project entitled: “Peat mosses as a peat substitute and for the renaturation of degraded raised bogs” to enter into dialogue with students, university members, company representatives and representatives of trade associations and the city of Lingen.


Dorothea Rammes, Production & Sustainability (left) and Ilka Krane, HR (right) presented Klasmann-Deilmann and the peat moss project to the public.

“The theme of our project clearly stood out from the other posters on display”, said Dorothea Rammes. “We were able to explain the multiple ways in which peat mosses can be used to interested parties. Among other things, we were able to illustrate that by planting the peat mosses, we can store carbon and thus make an important contribution to climate protection”.

The event was a very good opportunity for the students to introduce themselves and their projects to representatives of the business community. They presented ideas from the fields of business administration, mechanical engineering, industrial engineering (especially energy management) and communication sciences. Their papers dealt with topics such as “Energetic evaluation of a thermal plant in a confectionery factory” or “Improving the customer experience in the EmslandArena at events”. The best student projects were selected by the jury and the audience and were awarded prizes. For the first time, the city of Lingen awarded an innovation prize for the best practical project of the students.

Two familiar faces at Klasmann-Deilmann also faced the jury on this day: Tanja Gniszweski, our Emsland scholarship holder, and Tobias Rettig, currently a working student.  “This is a successful example of the good cooperation between Klasmann-Deilmann and Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences”, said Ilka Krane.