
Dirk Röse

You leave traces and paths

Farewell to Managing Director Bernd Wehming

Managing Director Bernd Wehming has retired. Around one hundred invited guests gave him a standing ovation, including shareholders, the Board of Directors, numerous colleagues and representatives from the business world and banks.

During the official ceremony, Carl-Gerrit Deilmann, Shareholder and Chairman of the Supervisory Board, said: “Bernd Wehming is one of those people you are happy to entrust your company to. We have worked with him for almost thirty years, we have been successful because of him, we have grown thanks to his commitment, we are a well-positioned family business thanks to his skills and we have very solid prospects for the future.”

Managing Director Moritz Böcking said: “I found it admirable how deeply you familiarized yourself with the topics your teams were working on. You were always up to date, recognized important new developments early on and examined their potential for our company. The successful introduction of SAP should be mentioned here, as well as your impetus in lean management and artificial intelligence. In this way, Klasmann-Deilmann has always stayed up to date.”

Moritz Böcking concluded: “You leave traces, certainly, but above all you leave paths. You were instrumental in preparing and paving the way for the paths we will follow from now on, and they point to the future.”

The outgoing Managing Director Bernd Wehming took the floor at the end: “The years as Commercial Director, Managing Director of various subsidiaries and Managing Director of the Klasmann-Deilmann Group were characterized by the growth of the company. There was only one direction and it was steeply upwards. The years from 2020 onwards, on the other hand, were characterized by corona, the Ukraine war, disrupted supply chains, inflation, rising energy prices and a weakening global economy. But when I look back over all those years, I am impressed by the confidence with which we jointly steered the company through weather and storms.”

Bernd Wehming concluded: “What remains are the people, are you. I thank you all for a really good time, for an eventful, exciting, instructive, serious and cheerful time, for one of the most important phases of my life, which I would definitely not want to miss.”

The evening ended with a meal together, lots of conversation and the opening game of the European Championship between Germany and Scotland.