ADVANCED Potting Substrates

The modern approach to pot plant cultivation

Modern irrigation systems demand substrates that guarantee uniform air capacity and high structural stability as well as reliable drainage and strong capillary water distribution. A combination of stable white sod peat fractions with perlite or GreenFibre® has proved optimum for meeting these requirements Both GreenFibre® and perlite increase the air capacity and drainage of a peat-based substrate significantly. This results in faster and healthy root development and reduced the risk of root diseases.

Another important aspect is the reduction of agrochemicals during cultivation has become important. We therefore offer TerrAktiv® green compost to increase the microbial life in substrates. Microbial activity supports a healthy plant growth with more resistance to diseases. The use of the alternative constituent GreenFibre® and TerrAktiv® as a natural biostimulant thus helps growers improve the sustainability aspects of their crops.



  • Characteristics: high structural stability and increased water retention
  • Use for: ornamental plants, foliage plants


  • Characteristics: allround potting mix with increased drainage and air capacity
  • Use for: ornamental plants, cyclamens, geraniums, perennials


  • Characteristics: allround potting substrate. Good capillary distribution, with extra nutrient buffer
  • Use for: cyclamens, geraniums, perennials, bedding plants

“Helleborus is a niche product. This is where the right substrate recipe is essential. We see great success with TerrAktiv® and GreenFibre® in our mixture. The plants are stronger, more compact and resistant. We are very grateful to have such a reliable partner in Klasmann-Deilmann.”

Thierry van Paemel, satisfied ADVANCED customer Owner of "BVBA Helleborus”, a leading producer of Helleborus in Belgium

Be ADVANCED – with ideal alternative constituents

Due to the special production process, GreenFibre® has an outstandingly good structure and a very low share of fine particles. This avoids settling in the pot and reduction of the substrates air capacity during cultivation.

Substrates with GreenFibre® show an ideal distribution of capillary water within the entire root zone, which is an important advantage e.g. in ebb and flow irrigation systems. It ensures easier irrigation management and thus a reliable supply of water and nutrients to the plants.

GreenFibre® usually accounts for a share of 15 to 30 per cent by volume in potting substrates. When combined with more decomposed peat, the proportion of easily available water for the plants remains stable. Therefore, up to an admixture of 25% by volume differences in irrigation behavior are hardly noticeable. However, the surface of the pots remains drier and the risk of root diseases is reduced.

A nitrogen-based liquid feeding scheme in line with common practice leads to ideal growth results. The addition of slow-release fertilisers to the substrate guarantees a sufficient supply of nitrogen to the crop.


Based on TerrAktiv® green compost, our innovative TerrAktiv® PLUS concept combines the natural suppressive effect of green compost with specifically selected microorganisms. Plants become healthier and more stress resistant.



Benefits of ADVANCED Substrates with GreenFibre® for Potting

  • Improved capillarity of the substrate
  • Increased air capacity and reliable drainage
  • Long-term structural stability
  • Easier rewetting of the substrate
  • Very healthy and fast root development
  • Drier surface, less growth of algae and liverwort
  • Stable nitrogen balance to suit normal feeding regime
  • Low weight, reduced transport costs
  • Renewable raw material from sustainable forestry

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