Our raw peat materials

Due to their excellent physical, chemical and biological properties, white and black peat remain our most important substrate components. To achieve ideal blends for substrates, we often supplement these materials with other organic and mineral ingredients such as wood fibre, green compost and coco. We also use in-house solutions for fertiliser formulations, wetting agents and additives.


Why Peat?

Peat …

  • … remains the key constituent in substrate production
  • … enables the use of any other alternative raw material
  • … is well available long-term all year round
  • … provides uniform properties
  • … ensure a stable pH value and optimum nutrient level

  • … shows good buffering capabilities
  • … has a high structural stability and good wettability
  • … allows an optimum ratio between air and water capacity
  • … is free from pathogens or harmful substances and almost free from weed seeds

Exceptional properties

Our methods for further processing raw materials are continuously optimised to maintain their specific properties. The gentle processes we use bring out the best in them in terms of high air and water capacity, ideal drainage characteristics and structural stability. This gives plants and roots the anchorage, the oxygen and the moisture they need.


White peat

Extensive resources in Lithuania, Latvia and Ireland are available to us for white-peat extraction. When extracting sod-cut peat, we favour the ‘cutting box’ technique; for obtaining milled peat, we use modern harvesters. This ensures our production facilities will be supplied for many decades to come.

Black peat

In Germany we have extensive extraction sites for black peat, which we allow to freeze in the winter months before it is harvested in the spring. In Lithuania, too, high-quality grades of peat with a higher degree of decomposition have been available for several years; these are used to an increasing extent for substrate production.

Deliverability and quality in harmony

Regardless of current crises and disrupted supply chains, the latest forecasts assume that the demand for growing media and the required raw materials will increase significantly internationally in the future.

Klasmann-Deilmann successfully ensured at an early stage that the increasing demand for horticultural products could be met with a stable supply of raw materials and supplier infrastructure.


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