TerrAktiv® – green compost for substrates

For the production of ProLine Substrates, Klasmann-Deilmann uses the high-quality green compost TerrAktiv® which is produced in the company’s own composting facilities. Both the green waste to be composted and the collecting points are regularly tested or inspected. The same applies to the rotting process, which is closely monitored in internal control processes (nutrient analyses, bioassays, temperature measurements). External controls are also carried out.

TerrAktiv® complies with the RAL criteria as well as the guidelines of the Dutch RHP standard for growing media and the European Organic Regulations (EU) no. 2018/848 and 2021/1165, controlled by ECOCERT F-32600. During the composting process, biodynamic preparations are added: yarrow (502), chamomile (503), stinging nettle (504), oak bark (505), dandelion (506) and valerian (507). This is a requirement for substrates used by Demeter-certified growers. Special attention is paid to the effective prevention of sciarid infestation. High compost maturity and sufficiently long storage supplemented by the use of Hypoaspis predatory mites minimise the risk of infestation with this pest.


TerrAktiv® …

  • … is biologically active
  • … promotes mineralisation of organic fertiliser
  • … suppresses root diseases
  • … improves shelf life of pot herbs
  • … acts as a slow-release nutrient source

  • … has a high buffering capacity
  • … is treated with biodynamic compost preparations
  • … is certified by Ecocert® and RHP

TerrAktiv® FT – fermented organic fibres


TerrAktiv® FT is a combination of TerrAktiv® green compost und high-quality wood fibres (GreenFibre®) which are fermented in a special process. The fermentation process stabilises the fibres and generates a high level of microbial activity. TerrAktiv® FT is lighter and lower in salt compared to pure green compost. It increases air capacity when used in blocking substrates.

TerrAktiv® FT is used specifically to achieve a good balance between ammonium and nitrate in the initial phase, when organic nitrogen is converted into plant-available nitrogen. This is beneficial during the germination stage, especially at higher temperatures. Overall, this results in healthier, more vigorous crop growth.

TerrAktiv® FT …

  • … is nitrogen-stable
  • … increases air capacity in press pots
  • … optimises germination and plant development 

  • … allows peat substitution of up to 50% by volume in combination with other constituents
  • … lowers the risk of excessive supply of ammonium to seedlings

Deliverability and quality in harmony

Regardless of current crises and disrupted supply chains, the latest forecasts assume that the demand for growing media and the required raw materials will increase significantly internationally in the future.

Klasmann-Deilmann successfully ensured at an early stage that the increasing demand for horticultural products could be met with a stable supply of raw materials and supplier infrastructure.


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