Highly sustainable

Highly sustainable

Healthier plants

Highly sustainable

Healthier plants

Easy handling

Highly sustainable

Healthier plants

Easy handling

Available all year

Highly sustainable

Healthier plants

Easy handling

Available all year

High structural stability

Highly sustainable

Healthier plants

Easy handling

Available all year

High structural stability

Ready to use

Highly sustainable

Healthier plants

Easy handling

Available all year

High structural stability

Ready to use

Strong rooting

Highly sustainable

Healthier plants

Easy handling

Available all year

High structural stability

Ready to use

Strong rooting

Bag to the roots:
The Growbag ADVANCED.

Sometimes you have to go back to the very beginning. And that was clearly the question before we developed our Growbag concept: What does today’s commercial horticulture actually need for the successful cultivation of tomorrow’s vegetables and strawberries? There were many demands:

Strong yields, high availability, less CO2 emissions, easy implementation in existing processes and – last but not least – a high level of sustainability through the use of more alternative raw materials that can substitute up to 100 % peat. All these requirements are now satisfied: with the new Growbag ADVANCED.


Turn the spotlight on all advantages of the Growbag ADVANCED:


  • > Compostable (vs. perlite, rockwool)
  • > Local raw materials (production possible where needed)
  • > Significant CO2 reduction (raw material + transport)


  • > Less coir transport, less uncertainty for supply from India/Sri Lanka

Ready to use

  • > Easy conversion from existing suppliers
  • > No washing, no pre-swelling (as for coir/rockwool)
  • > Water savings possible

Best cultivation properties

  • > High air content
  • > Optimal irrigation control
  • > Same or even better yield in many cases

Healthier plants

  • > Reduced occurence of ‘crazy roots’ (Agrobacterium rhizogenes)
  • > Less agrochemical treatments may be needed due to healtgher roots / plants
  • > More and more use of biostimulants: Bacillus spp. fits perfect with organic growbags (wood, coir bark, …)

Various sizes

  • > Different solutions and perforations for various crops
  • > Customised solutions

Technical Data

Raw materials

Various mixtures of high proportions of wood fibre (GreenFibre®) and cocos products


Dimensions and quantities

Length, width, height: 1 m, appr. 20 cm, appr. 8 cm
Filling volume: 20 l (EN 12580) 
Planting holes per metre: 0 – 10, according to customer requirements, pre-perforated, round and square holes possible
Drainage slots: Bags available with and without
drainage slots

Quantity per pallet: 196 grow bags (28 layers, 7 growbags per layer)
Pallet size and weight: 120 x 100 cm, approx. 850 kg / pallet with shrink film for safe storage
Storage: max 6 months, ideally store pallets protected
UV stability: Plastic film 1 year UV resistant, 2 years UV resistance from summer 2023 available

This is what experts say about the Growbag ADVANCED:

“It is noticeable both, with the entire plant and already with the first cluster of tomato fruits that the plants have grown stronger and more robust on the Growbag ADVANCED. The plants are firmer and the tomatoes are larger than those grown on perlite slabs. Looking at the roots, we have a stronger, better branched rooting.”

Hermann Konnemann, Technical Advisor at Klasmann-Deilmann

“You still notice a very good root even now at the end of the crop. The clearly thicker main roots branch well and have more volume than in the coir slabs. In addition to the difference in roots, the heavier head of the cucumber plant is also noticeable. The Growbags are having an effect, that’s clear. They are productive, well-growing plants.“

Jan Vanoverschelde, Group Product Manager Growbags at Klasmann-Deilmann

Far more practical than pure theory:
Real experience from practice


Growbag ADVANCED vs. 100% coir bags, cultivation year 2021, 2 plants per metre, ungrafted young plants, 2 crops: January – May / August – November (Research Institute, VLTI Torhout, Belgium)


  • Excellent rooting. Continuous formation of white, active roots
  • More root mass and significantly stronger, well-branched main roots
  • Overall stronger developed plants with faster shoot formation and higher cucumber yield per meter
  • Better and faster drainage


Performance and yield:

  • Visibly stronger growth
  • Right stronger shoot formation on KD
  • Better yield with KD per m2

Crop management:

  • Steering properties KD better, less dripping same % drain vs. coir
  • During cultivation KD more drainage, better roots


Conclusions and experiences with the Growbag ADVANCED in cucumbers:

  • No fungicide treatments were needed due to healthier roots
  • Compared to coir, more frequent and shorter watering intervals were ideal, and a reduction of drip quantities was possible
  • No need to pre-swell or rinse the Growbag ADVANCED for several days before cultivation starts

Growbag ADVANCED vs. bags with 100% perlite, 2 plants per metre, planting in 03-2021, main harvest time May – June 2021 (Provincial Technical Institute, Kortrijk, Belgium)

Conclusions Growbag ADVANCED in tomatoes:

  • Plants grow more vigorously
  • Rooting considerably stronger
  • Faster initial development
  • More stress resistance in drought stress tests
  • Better flowering and higher fruit yields (vs. perlite)



blankNursery standard: perlite bag

blankNew: Growbag ADVANCED

Plants in Growbag ADVANCED grow more vigorously and rooting was considerably stronger

blankPépinières Brés in Sarrians

Trial Data

  • Strawberry ‘Clery’ (young plant from trays)
  • Installation mid December, we are already at the first
  • Growbag ADVANCED vs. Dumona (70% peat/ 30% bark)
  • Test on 100 linear meters


  • Super rooting
  • Very good vegetative development
  • First flowers are of good size

Points of attention:

  • The planting of the trayplant requires specific perforation
  • Special attention after planting of trayplants
    > to avoid risk of drying out




The ideal combination:
Growbag ADVANCED and Log & Solve

Parallel to the Growbag ADVANCED, Log & Solve can be used when converting from grow bags with coir, perlite or rock wool.
Log & Solve is our innovative digital platform that centrally records all relevant crop data. Modern sensors continuously measure substrate moisture and nutrients directly in the grow bag and create automated status reports. Data on humidity, temperature and light already collected in the greenhouse can also be included. Commercial growers can improve the efficiency of their crops with Log & Solve.

Contact us in just two steps