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Skadi Menne

War in Ukraine


Preparing for various different scenarios

Dear customers and business partners,

Russia’s attack on Ukraine is evoking a strong political response and will have far-reaching consequences for the economy. Our thoughts are with the Ukrainian people, who are having to endure terrible suffering that they have done nothing to deserve. First and foremost, we are thinking of our partners and customers there. Moreover, many people throughout the world are extremely alarmed, especially in states bordering Ukraine – including Poland, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary – and in the Baltic region.

Klasmann-Deilmann has formed a dedicated Ukraine crisis board and is keeping a close watch on developments so that we can act in a timely and purposeful manner. In this way, we aim to ensure that you can continue to fully access our products and services.

Currently, our production companies are preparing for the peat-harvesting season as usual, and are hoping for good weather conditions. Our production operations are all running and it is very evident here that peak season is almost upon us. Klasmann-Deilmann’s business is continuing.

At the same time, the war in Ukraine is already negatively impacting price trends for petroleum, natural gas and in particular diesel. Transport options have become scarce and the costs for logistics services are rising progressively. The same applies to certain raw materials. These developments coincide with a phase in which prices – in horticulture, as elsewhere – are in any case reaching record levels.

Peace is the only way to help the people in Ukraine. Only peace can allay these fears and prevent further adverse consequences – humanitarian, political and economic. Our hope is that the use of military force will soon end.

In light of all this, we hope for good news for the world and wish you the best of success in the upcoming horticultural season.


Best regards,

Moritz Böcking         Bernd Wehming

Managing Directors, Klasmann-Deilmann Group