TS 3 medium basic with clay + GreenFibre®
20 kg/m³ clay granules
Structure medium
pH value (H₂O) 6.0
Fertilisation (g/l) 1.0
Extra trace elements
Water capacity
Air capacity / drainage
Water uptake
Characteristics good water retention combined with improved porosity and extra nutrient buffer
Use for bedding plants, perennials, pot herbs

19%less CO2*
* Compared to segment standard with 100% peat (rec. 404), verified in accordance with ISO 14064-1 standard
GreenFibre® mediumWhite peat, moderately decomposed (0 – 25 mm)
TS 3 medium basic with 10% coir + 20% GreenFibre®
Structure medium
pH value (H₂O) 6.0
Fertilisation (g/l) 1.0
Extra trace elements
Water capacity
Air capacity / drainage
Structural stability
Characteristics good water retention and quick water uptake
Use for bedding and patio plants, perennials, pot herbs

26%less CO2*
* Compared to segment standard with 100% peat (rec. 425), verified in accordance with ISO 14064-1 standard
GreenFibre® mediumCoirWhite peat, moderately decomposed (0 – 25 mm)
BP Substrate 2 medium with clay + GreenFibre®
20 kg/m³ milled clay
Structure medium
pH value (H₂O) 6.0
Fertilisation (g/l) 1.0
Extra trace elements
Water capacity
Air capacity / drainage
Water uptake
Characteristics good structure and drainage with extra nutrient buffer
Use for bedding and patio plants, pot herbs

28%less CO2*
* Compared to segment standard with 100% peat (rec. 1C2), verified in accordance with ISO 14064-1 standard
GreenFibre® mediumFrozen through black peatWhite peat (0 – 25 mm)
Substrate 1 with 10% TerrAktiv® + 25% GreenFibre®
Structure fine
pH value (H₂O) 5.8
Fertilisation (g/l) 1.2
Extra trace elements none
Water capacity
Air capacity / drainage
Water uptake
Characteristics improved nutrient buffer and strong microbial life for healthy plants
Use for bedding plants, vegetables in pots, pot herbs

30%less CO2*
* Compared to segment standard with 100% peat (rec. 095), verified in accordance with ISO 14064-1 standard
TerrAktiv®GreenFibre® mediumFrozen through black peatWhite peat (0 – 10 mm)


Biologische teelt:

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