ProLine Potgrond 30% TerrAktiv®
Structure fine
pH value (H₂O) 6.0
Fertilisation (g/l) organic
Extra trace elements
Water uptake
Water capacity
Block stability
Characteristics Good block stability and high water buffer
Use for Vegetable young plants
TerrAktiv®TerrAktiv® FTFrozen through black peat
ProLine Potgrond 20% TerrAktiv® + 10% GreenFibre®
Structure fine
pH value (H₂O) 6.0
Fertilisation (g/l) organic
Extra trace elements
Water uptake
Air capacity / drainage
Block stability
Characteristics For strong press pots with improved rewetting capabiltities
Use for Vegetable young plants
TerrAktiv®TerrAktiv® FTGreenFibre® fineFrozen through black peat
ProLine Tray Substrate 25% TerrAktiv® + 5% coir
Structure extra fine
pH value (H₂O) 6.0
Fertilisation (g/l) organic
Extra trace elements
Water capacity
Air capacity / drainage
Water uptake
Characteristics Universal sowing mix for a wide range of tray sizes
Use for Vegetable and ornamental young plants
TerrAktiv®TerrAktiv® FTCoirFrozen through black peatWhite peat (0 – 5 mm)
ProLine Tray Substrate 50% coir + 10% TerrAktiv®
20 kg/m³ clay granules
Structure extra fine
pH value (H₂O) 6.0
Fertilisation (g/l) organic
Extra trace elements
Water capacity
Air capacity / drainage
Water uptake
Characteristics Extra high share of alternative constituents. High air capacity and quick water uptake for sensitive crops
Use for Ornamental young plants
TerrAktiv®CoirWhite sod peat (1 – 7 mm)
ProLine Herb Substrate
Structure medium
pH value (H₂O) 6.0
Fertilisation (g/l) organic
Extra trace elements
Water capacity
Air capacity / drainage
Structural stability
Characteristics Universal pot herb mix with with balanced composition
Use for Pot herbs, also tomato, pepper and cucumber in small pots
TerrAktiv®TerrAktiv® FTGreenFibre® mediumFrozen through black peatWhite peat (0 – 25 mm)White sod peat (5 – 15 mm)
ProLine Herb Substrate TerrAktiv®/coir + 20% GreenFibre®
20 kg/m³ milled clay
Structure medium
pH value (H₂O) 5.8
Fertilisation (g/l) organic
Extra trace elements
Water capacity
Air capacity / drainage
Structural stability
Characteristics Substrate with large share of alternative constituents for high air capacity and quick water uptake
Use for Pot herbs
TerrAktiv®TerrAktiv® FTGreenFibre® mediumCoirWhite peat (0 – 25 mm)White sod peat (5 – 15 mm)
ProLine Herb Substrate 70% TerrAktiv®/coir + 30% GreenFibre®
20 kg/m³ milled clay
Structure medium
pH value (H₂O) 6.4
Fertilisation (g/l) organic
Extra trace elements
Water uptake
Air capacity / drainage
Structural stability
Characteristics Reliable pot herb mix made with 100% alternative constituents
Use for Pot herbs
TerrAktiv®TerrAktiv® FTGreenFibre® mediumCoir, organic
ProLine Potting 20 % TerrAktiv® + 10 % GreenFibre®
Structure medium
pH value (H₂O) 6.0
Fertilisation (g/l) organic
Extra trace elements
Water capacity
Air capacity / drainage
Structural stability
Characteristics Potting substrate with increased water retention for smaller pots
Use for Pot herbs, vegetable young plants in pots, bedding plants
TerrAktiv®TerrAktiv® FTGreenFibre® fineFrozen through black peatWhite peat (0 – 25 mm)
ProLine Potting 25% TerrAktiv® + 25% GreenFibre®
Structure medium
pH value (H₂O) 6.0
Fertilisation (g/l) organic
Extra trace elements
Water capacity
Air capacity / drainage
Structural stability
Characteristics Open, free draining potting mix for container grown crops
Use for Shrubs and trees, conifers, soft fruit
TerrAktiv®TerrAktiv® FTGreenFibre® mediumFrozen through black peatWhite peat (0 – 25 mm)
ProLine Container 20% TerrAktiv® + 30% GreenFibre®
Structure coarse
pH value (H₂O) 5.8
Fertilisation (g/l) organic
Extra trace elements
Water capacity
Air capacity / drainage
Structural stability
Characteristics Open, free draining potting mix for container grown crops
Use for Shrubs and trees, conifers, soft fruit
TerrAktiv®GreenFibre® coarseFrozen through black peatPeat fibresWhite sod peat (25 – 45 mm)
ProLine Container coarse ‘blueberries’
Structure coarse
pH value (H₂O) 5.0
Fertilisation (g/l) organic
Extra trace elements
Water capacity
Air capacity / drainage
Structural stability
Characteristics Acidic mix specialised for erciaceous crops
Use for Blueberries, ericaceous crops
TerrAktiv®GreenFibre® coarseFrozen through black peatPeat fibresWhite sod peat (25 – 45 mm)


Biologische teelt:

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