When it comes to quality and safety, there are no differing opinions.
What counts are independent facts and figures.

Our growing media stand for highest quality worldwide. They are the essential basis for plant growth and success of our customers. Our innovations are decisive for an entire industry. The standards by which we measure our quality and our processes are not only set by ourselves. All key areas at Klasmann-Deilmann are regularly and independently audited and certified in accordance with international quality standards:

  • Consistent quality assurance of our growing media along the entire value chain, from raw materials to production sites to the finished product.
  • Quality and origin of all substrate constituents used in our products
  • The quality of our ProLine Substrates for organic growing as well as conformity with applicable requirements of national and international organic associations

  • Constructive measures for environmental protection and renaturation, in particular rewetting of peat fields as well as emission reductions in our production processes
  • Our verified carbon footprint
  • A holistic sustainability strategy with regard to economy, ecology and social responsibility

This enables us to improve our processes continuously and provide our customers with the security and sustainability they expect from us.


RHP Horticulture



Peat extraction areas

«Responsibly Produced Peat» (RPP) is a transparent certification system for responsible peat extraction and better protection of natural peatlands. At the end of 2021, 86% of our extraction areas were RPP certified. This means that 89% of our peat raw materials currently come from RPP-certified sites.

Quality assurance

The quality assurance of our growing media complies with the stringent guidelines of the Dutch RHP quality mark for substrates. In addition to peat raw materials, this also applies to our alternative substrate constituents such as TerrAktiv® green compost, our GreenFibre® wood fibre, coir, perlite etc.

Organic cultivationEcocert

As market leader for premium substrates in organic growing, we have been a strong partner of growers in this field for more than 30 years. Without exception, our ProLine Substrates are controlled by ECOCERT F-32600 and approved for organic growing.

Quality management
ISO 9001

This international standard guarantees a higher and uniform quality level for products and services. It regulates internal processes, quality management and provides for systematic continuous improvements.

Environmental management
ISO 14001

Klasmann-Deilmann was the first manufacturer of growing media to be certified to ISO 14001. This certification underlines our strong commitment to a sustainable environmental policy based on controllable processes.

Carbon footprint
ISO 14064

Based on company data for 2013, 2016, 2018 and 2020, we had a carbon footprint calculated at company and product level. Our carbon footprints are audited and verified by the certification institute SGS in accordance with ISO 14064.

Sustainability Report

GRI standards are globally valid guidelines developed by the Global Reporting Initiative. On this basis, the sustainability of a company is made transparent by means of standardisation and comparability, e. g. with regard to ecological, economic and social aspects.

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